Youth Ministry


Every Sunday morning our youth ministry, led by Rev. Jill Campbell, provides a fun, age-appropriate experience for youth from infancy through teens. Our curriculum varies but it is unique in that it is a multi-age program designed for our one-room Sunday School. It is a caring environment where children are not separated from their siblings and all the children learn to relate to children of all ages.


Gratitude, love, and joy are common themes for the lessons based on Bible stories and Unity Principles, and it opens all of our hearts to hear the comments and questions from the children, even the little ones, as they participate in discussions.


Our art and craft activities are in keeping with the theme of the lesson and reinforce it. During this time, the children have the opportunity to practice caring and sharing, and the teachers have the pure joy of hearing their responses as they work on their creations.


We welcome the children as they join the adult congregation in the closing prayer and song each Sunday. The youth share what they learned in class, and the adults share the joy of learning "from the mouths of babes."  Bring your children to Unity of the White Mountains and share the lessons of Unity with the whole family!