Current Board of Trustees 2024-2025
Pictured above, Left to Right
• Mark Sturdevant, President, 3-year term expires 2027 (
• Sherry Ellis, Treasurer, 3-year term expires 2025
• Rusty Cuave, Secretary, 3-year term expires 2026
• Rev. Dr. Sheryl Padgett, Senior Minister (
• Linda Hoy, Alternate, 1-year term expires 2025
• Paul Diaz, Vice President, 3-year term expires 2027
• Janelle Stauffer, Member at Large, 3-year term expires 2026
• Mike Campbell, Member at Large, 3-year term expires 2025
Prior Board of Trustees 2023-2024
• Doug Barningham, President, 3-year term expires 2024
• Rev. Dr. Sheryl Padgett, Senior Minister (Email:
• Barbara Courtright, Vice President and Music Director, 3-year term expires 2024
• Rusty Cuave, Secretary, 3-year term expires 2026
• Sherry Ellis, Treasurer, 3-year term expires 2025
• Mike Campbell, Member at Large, 3-year term expires 2025
• Janelle Stauffer, Member at Large, 3-year term expires 2026
• Joy Biever, Alternate, 1-year term expires 2024
• Mark Sturdevant, Alternate, 1-year term expires 2024
Prior Board of Trustees 2022-2023
- Doug Barningham, President, 3-year term expires 2024
- Rev. Dr. Sheryl Padgett, Senior Minister (Email:
- Barbara Courtright, Secretary and Music Director, 3-year term expires 2024
- Joy Biever, Alternate, 1-year term expires 2023
- Janelle Stauffer, Alternate, 1-year term expires 2023
- Bill Crull, Vice President, 3-year term expires 2023
- Sherry Ellis, Treasurer, 3-year term expires 2025
- Mike Campbell, Member at Large, 3-year term expires 2025
- Rusty Cuave, Member at Large, 3-year term expires 2023
Prior Board of Trustees 2021-2022
- Janelle Stauffer, Alternate
- Barbara Courtright, Secretary and Music Director
- Bill Crull, Vice President
- Rusty Cuave, Member at Large
- Jan Choti, Alternate
- Mike Campbell, Member at Large
- Rev Sheryl Padgett, Senior Minister (Email:
- Sue McKenzie, Treasurer
- Doug Barningham, President
Mark Sturdevant, President
I was born and raised in Southern California. After graduating high school, I served four years in the U.S. Coast Guard, conducting search and rescue operations, and received an honorable discharge in 1973.
I founded several small businesses, held executive positions in aerospace subcontractor companies and served on nonprofit boards in California. My career path then shifted to public service, first as a special assistant to a member of Congress and ultimately as the President/CEO of the La Habra Area Chamber of Commerce for 15 years until my retirement in 2018.
My wife Melodie and I have been living in Lakeside since 2019. I am also a proud father of two grown children, grandfather of eight, and great-grandfather of ten.
Paul Diaz, Vice President
I grew up in Tombstone, AZ and graduated from Tombstone High School in 1977. After graduation, I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. After my first 4 years, I got out and worked as a police officer in Abilene and Sweetwater, TX. I later reenlisted in the Marines for another 20 years. After I retired from the Marine Corps, I worked in support of the Marine Corps Combat Development Command and then later as Dept of Defense contractor to help provide the best chemical and biological defense equipment to the Services. Before I finally retired for good, I worked for a couple of years in the Arizona Dept of Veterans Services, helping Arizona veterans get the all the benefits they are entitled to.
How I ended up here! I learned early on in my life that organized religion and I just did not see eye to eye on a great many things. I knew I was a spiritual being and investigated many different spiritual paths. Along the way, I sort of took the things I liked from each one and fused them together into a path that I felt fit my needs and that would lead me to the “truth”. I did not think that I would find anything up here on the mountain that was even close to where I was at or that would help me to continue on my path. However, I noticed this little building on the side of the road one day on my way to the collection center and thought, “I had never heard of Unity before”, so, looked it up. After a quick read of the web site, I knew I had been found. The rest, as they say is history. Finally, a spiritual home complete with people who are truly like minded as myself. It was a long journey, but as always, the universe put me exactly where I needed to be when I needed to be there.
Rusty Cuave, Secretary
I am serving a second 3-year term on the Board of Trustees. Following is information about me.
After high school in Snowflake, I earned a BS in Chemical Engineering at ASU in 1974. While going to college, I learned Transcendental Meditation (TM) to reduce stress and improve memory for those hard tests and I still use that method every day to reduce anxiety and stress in my life.
I worked as an engineer in California, but soon realized I was more of a “people person” than a technical guy. I transitioned into chemical sales and then managed a small cleaning chemical business in Stockton, CA. Around that time I became life partners with Perry Sanchez.
During that time, we discovered Unity of Antioch and I became the board president for a total of eight years. Also, I was the Uni-teen Leader for about 3 years and attended several regional conferences with our group of 4 teens.
We moved back to the White Mountains in 2002 and attended Unity here for several years. When Perry passed away last year, I knew it was time to come back to this wonderful group of supportive friends to help process my grief of his passing. In addition to serving on the Board of Trustees, I have also served on our Prayer Chaplin team.
I am so grateful to have be serving on our wonderful Board of Trustees, to give back and help grow our loving, compassionate congregation.
Sherry Ellis, Treasurer
I retired last year after a 38 year career as a Registered Nurse. I enjoyed working in a variety of settings, including mental health and addiction recovery, the operating room, case management, patient education, and in information technology developing the electronic medical record. Prior to entering nursing school, I worked as a bank teller for 2 years. I hold an associates degree in Nursing from Riverside Community College, and a Bachelor Degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin.
I first attended a Church of Religious Science in the early 1980's, marking the beginning of my journey into new thought. I first attended Unity Church in 1988 after moving to Kenosha WI, and instantly resonated with the people, the service, and the message.
I regularly attended the Oakland Center For Spiritual Living in 2006 until moving to Phoenix in 2013. I took many courses offered. Concurrently, I studied Superconscious Meditation in the tradition of Kriya Yoga at The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment in Santa Clara CA from 2008-2013.
My life partner of 15 years (Shari Kline) and I have lived in Show Low since 2019, at which time we began attending Unity of the White Mountains. We truly feel led to this beautiful congregation, insightful messages, and abundance of love we feel here. We want to serve this church in order to continue it's growth and impact on the people here.
Mike Campbell, Member at Large
Mike comes to Unity of the White Mountains with a rich Unity legacy. His aunt, Rev. Bernice Biggers, lead the Unity Church in Rockford, Illinois, and became the minister of Unity Church in Sun City leaving her associate minister position with Unity of Phoenix in 1969. His aunt, Rev. Eleanor Campbell was also ordained as a Unity Minister. Mike and his wife, Rev. Jill Campbell, took Unity classes together starting in 2006, when they started attending the same church, now known as Unity Spiritual Center in Sun City. They also traveled back to Unity Village for SEE classes. Mike is one Unity class away from becoming a Licensed Unity Teacher. He also licensed a Prayer Chaplain Trainer with Unity Love and Light Ministries. In the summer of 2015, after relocating from Litchfield Park, Arizona, to his new home in Lakeside, Arizona, Mike became a voting member of Unity of the White Mountains. Mike has an extensive professional and retail background and will be celebrating ten years with Lowes this August.
Janelle Stauffer, Board Member
I have been attending Unity of the White Mountains since 2004. I have had the honor of serving two one-year terms as Board of Trustees Alternate and would like to continue for another year.
The message of Unity speaks loud and clear to me and I also enjoy seeing people that are loving and getting along together and helping those in need.
I have been married for 7 years and have two grown sons from a previous marriage. I had a career in the Airline Industry for 34 yrs. I also drove a school bus when I returned from an adventure in Maui for 3 years.
I’ve been involved in numerous church activities over the years and active in the community from being the first woman president of the Palo Verde Little League baseball organization to participating in a Christian based Parent Study group, all while working full-time and being a mother.
Presently, I am very active with Unity of the White Mountains church. I am on the Unity Board, an active member of the Think Tank group, very active with our consignment fund raising initiative and always helping out with our monthly bake sale and all other fundraising initiatives.
Linda Hoy, Alternate
As a dedicated member of Unity for the past nine years, I've been privileged to serve on this Board. Prior to settling here in 2015, I enjoyed a career as a professional actress in Los Angeles. My involvement at Unity has included roles as Prayer Chaplain Coordinator and MC for Luna Tunes, an open mic event. I'm grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful community.